Sunday, November 20, 2005

Friday Mivtzoim

Friday is Mivtzoim day. (we even have the van. didan notzach!) And so off we were headed to "Downtown" Ottawa to find the long buried and frozen over sparks. Aside for the people that where on the original route, we haven't found any "new" Jews yet. One guy that we found did say that they hadn't come for a while. He also asked why do we put on Tefilin. He said that at his Bar Mitzvah he was told that you do it because all of our ancestors did. So I explained to him as much as I could but he still refused to actually put them on.

I was also told to find a guy by the name of Herb Grey who worked in a certain office building. So I go over to the guy at the front desk and I ask him if he knows on which floor is there "a guy by the name of Herb Grey". The guy looks at me like I fell from the north pole and tells me "sure, 22nd floor". Anyway, we come to the office and we leave a lchaim 'cause he's not there. And we ask if he's ever in on Fridays, and the lady says it's hard to know 'cause he's always traveling to meetings. Then I ask If I could get his card so that I could call, and she says "well I'm not authorized to give his card, but I'll give you the card of his main assistant. And it's dawning upon me that this "guy called Herb Grey" is not just a guy called Herb Grey.

Sure enough by the Shabbos meal I ask Rabbi B and he tells me that this Chevreman was a big politician and he was once the vice PM of Canada!

He also said that his name is Gurari and that he's a vareme yid with a strong feeling for the Rebbe. I just hope that I'll get to see him.

So have you met Berel?

Looking good Levi.. Yo Vince! yo? Hey there...

"Bein Hashmoshes" with Benny


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