Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Get A Kick Outa This!

Check out what some israelis stumbled upon somewhere in India. It's Hilarious!


At 1/19/2006 2:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool video....isnt this an ottawa blog? y havent there been any ottawa updates in such a long time?

At 1/19/2006 4:53 PM , Blogger Baruch said...

thats what it was meant to be..but due to some overwhelming boardness that overcame shoch, my updates of ottawa became unnecessary. of course shoch would prefer that i continue to update and we should compete who could post it first. but frankly i'm not really interested. only certain special adults could find this worthwhile... kinda like those that find it worthwhile to post "news" about how wrubel beat up eilinberg today....

At 1/19/2006 5:10 PM , Blogger Sholom Ber Shuchat said...

nice trash.

1) first time i heard of your grudges. i actually recall talking to you that you should post pictures and i will post articles. after some time you didnt keep up your part so i had to take over my part.

2) you may not remember, but your blog started only ten days before mine, and i posted the link to your website in the first article.

3) the people interested in wrubel vs. eilenberg are those who were here in the past years, they want that, and i supply that.

4) והוא העיקר: I dont know if you know, but last year already i would put out a publication every week featuring all these little meshugaasen, and thats what the bochurim enjoy.

על כל פנים if you think it was done against you, then you are wrong, and i will anyways ask mechila.

At 1/20/2006 9:42 AM , Blogger Baruch said...

Hey Shoch whatever floats your boat.. post whatever you wanton your blog. but when I made this blog it was to make a blog for yeshiva, not just pictures for yeshiva. especially since it takes forever to upload on this computer. but anyway it was nice of you to offer me that I may continue with my blog....
also I dont get what your trying to say that my blog started only ten days before, except for the obvious that you got the idea from me.
alright enough for now shoch, we all love you regardless

At 1/20/2006 3:24 PM , Blogger Baruch said...

hey ****** off, try to find the * key on your board. cause this blog is very carefull with taharas hahalshonoh, so we don't take no *hil!
but thanx for the support anyway. alsoif you happen to know who's this boruch tauber dude with the exceptional writing skills (perhaps a relative of mine?) let me know.

At 1/22/2006 2:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I think he took over gershons room


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