Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Mazal Tov Zvi & Chayale!

The Chupa was not the anticipated Canadian flag. And the Chosson and Kallah wore the traditional garb not Benuni jerseys (at least not until later). None the less it was the wildest Chassuna Morristown ever saw. Wow what a statement! But seriously it was truly smashing (in more was then one ; )
And regarding the Chupa. Gersh did light a fire under it. he also stated that his Chupa will be on fire. And if you know Gersh he aint joking. 770 beware! you aint seen notin' yet!
Speaking of Gersh, his Kallah shows up at the wedding with a massive bag of.. nutty chews!!! Someone tell me this isn't a match made in heaven! Anyhow we put the candy to good use pelting Zvi and Benny as they tried to sing their duet.
(Benny was too far gone to sing it anyway...)

May you merit to have much joy (of the inner and of the outer) and nachas and to find only blessings in the good and revealed way.


At 12/08/2005 5:08 PM , Blogger the Mitzvah man! said...

Hey Brucy Bruce... Nice post. Yesher koichacho!! (Hey, I just wanted to sound like a snag there.)

At 12/09/2005 2:39 AM , Blogger Baruch said...

Bruch tihiye! Bruch tihiye!
(Hey, that even sounds like my name! SOO EXCILING!)


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