Tuesday, April 29, 2008

a priceless moment (one of countless)

(Note to world: going to Israel and not keeping a diary is a sin)

... i'm trying to reach Rehov Ememk Refaim but there's the old train station and an industrial area l'hakkif, so i try cutting through an empty lot behind the Doar and i discover that the lot is not so empty after all, there are two very trendy restaurants in the middle of nowhere, very interesting spot for a restaurant... Anyway, i finally get to Derech Beit Lechem and it still looks like you're in the middle of nowhere, but there are plenty of people walking up and down.

so i stop and ask a couple for directions and (with a heavy European? accent) they reply just s'molah and you're there. So i'm about to do just that onto a street that used to be train tracks, it doesn't look unsafe in any way, and i can see Emek Refaim not more then say, 50 yards away, but the guy shouts and calls me back

Adif shetamshich ad hapniyah habaah, v'az s'molah


Kacha! Shaaltah eich l'hagia? ken? Az amarti.


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At 4/29/2008 8:14 PM , Blogger Baruch said...

i guess it was ok to get attitude from a stranger in Israel, since you know that it b/c everyone's watching your back. (and i guess that makes no one a stranger after all)


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