I wish I knew something about cameras...
Last year I bought this really cool Canon with thirteen different settings but
'cheveiss nisht how to use any of them! (aight so I pretty much got the 'auto' one down pat. but even that one's iffy) So basically if I'm indoors I can't get a decent shot outahundred.
So two nights ago we took our youth corps guys up the empire state building. And after we got our much needed dose of the NY skyride, we went up those famous elevators that "Zoom you up a million floors a second and make you pop your ears!" to the eighty somethingth floor to the observatory. I've never been there by night before, and it's like night and day (ha ha.. somebody up there actually said that! I can't remember the last time I heard something so corny...) but really it's amazing! If you haven't been there you should go. The view's amazing and it's really beautiful up there, really peaceful... yet from way down below you can faintly hear the buzz of the city.
//I think New York is one of the coolest cities in the world. True it gets to you sometimes... all the 'hecticity' and garbage you have to deal with when you're just trying to get to work or buy a carton of orange juice.... but you gotta admit, there's something there (people call it 'magic')you just won't find in... uh... let's say... Hamilton, Ontario! (nothing against Canada B.)//
Anyway so I'm standing there 1200 feet above G-d beautiful earth with my camera, and if there's one thing I know it's that the flash ain't quite gonna go that far... so just turn of the flash... (which is what I usually do most of the time btw) 'problem is, when there's no flash you gotta hold it real real stedy or else it comes out looking like... well.. a really unsteady picture... Ok... not quite working yet but we're getting somewhere.... Wait asec... I see here one of the settings is 'night mode', so i swith to it, I put the camera on the ledge as a make-believe-tripod, and walla! not bad. KAK! they're great! wow! I never took such good pictures in my life!
All in all the trip was amazing. It's was also very hectic. I don't know how these kids managed to do it, but somehow it ended up being the most fun and most frustrating night we'd had together all year! //~He who has been to Youth Corps would possibly have somewhat of an understanding of the above statement~//
Also, while waiting online (did i just write online? hehe..) we were approached by TWO High School groups that asked if they can take our picture. The first one was from Texas and they wanted to know which country were we from! the other group was from Kentucky, and they said that they just HAD to take a picture for their English teacher 'cause she had them read a book called The Chosen and O my GOSH you guys are like FROM THE BOOK!
Can you imagine hearing this in the most Jewish city in the world!!! Only in New York!